How can i get the username and password of logged in user in kibana plugin 6.8?

how can i get the username and password of already authenticated logged in user in kibana plugin 6.8?

I have created a plugin in 6.8.0 kibana

I want to pass the username and password to the another app inside the iframe

This is not possible to do with Kibana, with any authentication provider. If you want users to have the same user/pass in kibana and another app, you can setup SAML, OIDC or Kerberos auth if that other app supports it and the same account will work on both.

thanks for reply , i want to display logged yourname of kibana in my custom kibana plugin.
how to do that.
I have tried in server folder of kibana plugin , but nothing comes up.

Please help because i want to show "welcome {username}" message in kibana plugin which i have developed.

Thanks in advance.

This request can get you the username:
And if you are using the new platform for building plugins: securityPluginSetupContract.getCurrentUser(request)

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