How can i increase text field limit on aggregations?


I have a SearchGroupedErrorByCriteria method for take data on Elasticsearch and view it on a admin panel table.

I'm using Elasticsearch .NET Client. I have a search descriptor:

var searchDescriptor = new SearchRequestDescriptor<ServiceLogMonitoringFieldModel>(indexName);

I add a query like this to my search descriptor and it has some aggregations:

                .Query(q => q
                .Bool(b => b
                 .Filter(queryDescriptorsFilter.Any() ? queryDescriptorsFilter.ToArray() : null)
                 .Must(queryDescriptorsMust.Any() ? queryDescriptorsMust.ToArray() : null)
                 .MustNot(queryDescriptorsMustNot.Any() ? queryDescriptorsMustNot.ToArray() : null)
                .Sort(sortOptionsDescriptor.Any() ? sortOptionsDescriptor.ToArray() : null)
                .Aggregations(a => a
                    .Terms("group_IcCode", avg => avg
                        .Field(p => p.IcCode)
                        .Aggregations(aa => aa
                           .Terms("group_BmvProductNo", t2 => t2
                               .Field(f => f.BmvProductNo)
                               .Aggregations(aaa => aaa
                                   .Terms("group_ErrorMessage", t3 => t3
                                   .Field(f => f.ErrMessage.Suffix("keyword"))
                                   .Aggregations(aaaa => aaaa
                                           .Max("max_log_date", m => m
                                               .Field(f => f.LogDateUtc)

When I made a request with this query, I realized that I could not see some values in the date range. 5-6 pieces of data were missing, and the data that was missing was data whose text field named ErrMessage was larger than 256 characters. I don't encounter the same problem without using aggregation. Could you please help about this?



Check the mapping. I think you are using the default one.

Hello again,

Thanks for your quick response. I changed the default value by making a request via devtools. This is what the mappings look like now. But still nothing changed.

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Did you reindex your data?

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I didn't reindex my data after change the ignore_above field.

There is a code about we wrote for change the ignore_above value.

PUT /service_logs_*/_mapping
  "properties": {
    "ErrMessage": {
      "type": "text",
      "fields": {
        "keyword": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "ignore_above": 2048

We used this for change the limit for ignore_above field from settings.

PUT service_logs_*/_settings
  "index.mapping.field_name_length.limit": 2048

This is the mapping request:

GET service_logs_20220308

This is the mapping response:

  "service_logs_20220308": {
    "aliases": {},
    "mappings": {
      "properties": {
        "BmvProductNo": {
          "type": "long"
        "ClientIp": {
          "type": "text",
          "fields": {
            "keyword": {
              "type": "keyword",
              "ignore_above": 256
        "ErrMessage": {
          "type": "text",
          "fields": {
            "keyword": {
              "type": "keyword",
              "ignore_above": 2048

(result goes on...)

That change will only apply to documents indexed from this point on and does not change any documents already indexed. To make this apply to all documents in the index you need to update/reindex.

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Thanks for your help. :pray:

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