How can I order the paragraph contents according to the order in which they were added

How can I order the paragraph contents according to the order in which they were added.
In the image the result which i get is not ordered.
I need the paragraph content to be in order in which they were added.

Technology used to add the content is Drupal
Used Elastic Search Connector for mapping.
Tool used for querying is Kibana.
Below is the query
GET elasticsearch_index_thunder/_search?pretty=1
"sort": [
{ "field_content_created_on": { "order": "desc" }},
{ "_score": { "order": "desc" }}
"query": {
"match" : {
"field_nid": "116"

About the content
There is a field Paragraph in which contents like text, image video etc cab be added as multiple sub fields.
Attached is the sample add content page

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