How can i send multiple json messages to logstash using http plugin?

I am trying to send multiple json messages to logstash using http plugin, but i could see only the first message on kibana.
please help.
below is the my plugin.

input {
http {
port => XXXX



I am trying to push with the curl
curl -H "content-type: application/json" -XPUT 'http://Logstash:XXXX/_bulk' -d @/test.json

Contents of test.json:
{ "index_id" : "test_index", "FIELD1" : "TEST1", "FIELD2" : "TEST2" }
{ "index_id" : "test_index", "FIELD1" : "XXXXX", "FIELD2" : "YYYYYY" }

If you send it an array it will output multiple events.

[{ "index_id" : "test_index", "FIELD1" : "TEST1", "FIELD2" : "TEST2" },
{ "index_id" : "test_index", "FIELD1" : "XXXXX", "FIELD2" : "YYYYYY" }]

Without it being an array it appears to ignore everything except the first JSON object.

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