How can I set the field limit higher then 1000?

I am new to Elastic Search (visited the Elastic Event in Frankfurt today, thanks for the great talk and insights btw).

I get this error when indexing products from shopware:

[fE76H5K] [sw_shop5_20170928225616][3] failed to execute bulk item 
(index) BulkShardRequest [[sw_shop5_20170928225616][3]] containing 
[index {[sw_shop5_20170928225616][product][A40482001], source[n/a, 
actual length: [41.6kb], max length: 2kb]}]


Limit of total fields [1000] in index [sw_shop5_20170928233439] has been exceeded

I generated a template to set the field limit higher:

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_template?pretty'
  "shopwaretemplate" : {
    "order" : 0,
    "template" : "shopwaretemplate",
    "settings" : {
      "index" : {
        "mapping" : {
          "total_fields" : {
            "limit" : "100000"
    "mappings" : { },
    "aliases" : { }

but it still throws the error and I dont know how to set the 2kb higher, so I can import my data. Sorry if my terminology is not good yet.

Did you remove the index after creating the template?
Could you check what the actual index settings are?

Yes, the software does that any time I populate it (and keeps the old index). Tho I am not sure how to get the template of an index


Doesn`t do the trick.

By the way is this:

[2017-09-29T07:57:15,683][DEBUG][o.e.a.b.TransportShardBulkAction] [fE76H5K] [sw_shop5_20170929075533][3] failed to execute bulk item (index) BulkShardRequest [[sw_shop5_20170929075533][3]] containing [index {[sw_shop5_20170929075533][product][A40482001], source[n/a, actual length: [41.6kb], max length: 2kb]}]

Part of the problem or annother problem/config thing?

How are you ingesting data? You seem to have an index name with a very granular timestamp. Is this automatically generated?

Hi Christian,
yes, it is. Software which generates this index is Shopware - I heard from annother Dev that in case of multiple price groups and shops it will pass the 1000 fields quickly.

Question is - change the max field value (might lose performance) or change the exported data. If there is is a way anyways to extend the max fields value before indexing starts.

I think this section of the docs describe what you are looking for.

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