How can I write multiple search with grater that less than query?

How can I use grater than and less than with should match query in elasticsearch ?

    "query": {
        "range" : {
            "rate" : {
                "gte" : 0.6,
                "lte" : 1,
                "boost" : 2.0
            "bool": {
      "should": [
        { "match": { "target": "kairaba blue dreams resort spa" }},
        { "match": { "why": "A’la Carte Restoran,Kum Plaj,Çakıl Plaj" }}



  "error": {

    "root_cause": [


        "type": "parsing_exception",

        "reason": "[range] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]",

        "line": 11,

        "col": 13



    "type": "parsing_exception",

    "reason": "[range] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]",

    "line": 11,

    "col": 13


  "status": 400


I believe you need to write something like:

                  "target":"kairaba blue dreams resort spa"
                  "why":"A’la Carte Restoran,Kum Plaj,Çakıl Plaj"
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