How do i prevent the Kibana dashboard filter specific to an index being applied to visualizations from other indices?

I have two indexes index1 and index2. I have field1 and field2 in index1 and field3 and field4 in index2. I have some visualizations from index1 and index2 and put in on the same dashboard

When i filter for field1 all my visualizations for index2 in my dashboard go empty. Why does this happen ?. If there is no field1 in index2 why does kibana apply the filter on index2 ?


I found out i can use the following but is there a better way because inverting it will affect other indices

"query": {
"indices": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"match": {
"TestInstancesExecutionStatus.keyword": {
"query": "Passed",
"type": "phrase"

No better way that I am aware of. It sounds like this feature is what you are interested in

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