How do I query for messages between two timestamps using the elasticsearch-dsl library?

I'm trying to run a simple query for messages that have a specific key using Python, but also limit the results between two timestamps. I managed to query for the existing key using the following:

import sys
from getpass import getpass

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q, Search

client = Elasticsearch(
    http_auth=('malbert', getpass()))

field_query = Q('query_string', query='_exists_:ept.runtime_seconds')

s = Search(using=client, index="oss-*")
s = s.query(field_query)
s = s[0:10]

for hit in result:

But now I can't seem to find any solution to also query for the @timestamp field :cry:

Here is one of my attempts:


time_query = Q('range', timestamp={
    'gte': '2018-01-01 00:00:00',
    'lt': 'now'
field_query = Q('query_string', query='_exists_:ept.runtime_seconds')

s = Search(using=client, index="oss-*")
s = s.query(field_query)
s = s.query(time_query)


But that does return an empty set. So I guess the timestamp filter is not quite right. I am sure that I have entries in that time-range!

s = s.filter('range', timestamp={'gte': '2018-01-01 00:00:00', 'lt': 'now'})

without any luck (also returns an empty set).

I am a bit confused at other posts. I've seen a post mentioning that @timestamp would be a valid identifier, but that's not the case. Code like the following is a syntax-error in Python:

time_query = Q('range', @timestamp={  # <-- syntax error
    'gte': '2018-01-01 00:00:00',
    'lt': 'now'

I can see in kibana that the timestamp field is indeed named @timestamp so I am not sure if my query above simply uses the wrong field.

So how do I specify that it should look into @timestamp?

You have two options. The first one involves using query_string exclusively, like this:

field_query = Q('query_string', query='_exists_:ept.runtime_seconds AND @timestamp:[2018-01-01 00:00:00.000Z TO now]')

You almost had the correct solution for the second option, yet you need to combine both constraints using a bool query:

 time_query = Q('range', timestamp={
    'gte': '2018-01-01 00:00:00',
    'lt': 'now'
field_query = Q('query_string', query='_exists_:ept.runtime_seconds')

s = Search(using=client, index="oss-*")
s = s.query = Q('bool', filter=[field_query, time_query])
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There still seems to be an issue with the timestamp query. This works:

field_query = Q('query_string', query='_exists_:ept.runtime_seconds')
s = Search(using=client, index="oss-*")
s = s.query(field_query)
s = s[0:10]
result = s.execute()
for hit in result:

Which returns the following:


So there are clearly entries in 2018. As soon as I add the time range, the result is empty:

field_query = Q('query_string', query='_exists_:ept.runtime_seconds')
time_query = Q('range', timestamp={
    'gte': '2018-01-01 00:00:00',
    'lt': 'now'
combined = Q('bool', filter=[field_query, time_query])

s = Search(using=client, index="oss-*")
s = s.query(combined )
s = s[0:10]
result = s.execute()



I still have the feeling that using Q('range', timestamp=...) does not really target the @timestamp field. Although I might be totally mistaken. But I tried replacing it with a random keyword arg like Q('range', foobar=...) and no exception was raised. So I assume that the query will naïvely look for the field foobar and because that field does not exist anywhere it executes successfully, but without result. Could it be that Q('range', timestamp=...) looks for the non-existing field timestamp? Instead of @timestamp?

If that's the case, how do I create a query that uses @timestamp? Given that Q('range', @timestamp=...) is an invalid syntax in Python?

I got it working today using only the query_string query. However, the timestamp filter given by @val (@timestamp:[2018-01-01 00:00:00.000Z TO now]) did not work.

I had to use @timestamp:[2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z TO now] instead (using T to separate date from time).

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Good point, I missed the T after copy/pasting

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