How do I run ELSER locally?


I am currently interested in having ELSER run locally, meaning outside of elastic.
I have ran it in a local elastic environment through docker (and ofcourse also in the cloud) but I am assuming this might be slower than running it natively.

I also want to do this in order to get familiar with running ML models directly in python.

I might be wrong but I did not find how to do this in the documentation.

I have currently downloaded the model here.

I tried running it with python but I am not as knowledgeable in python. So everything I tried did not deliver any good results. (tried with PyTorch)

If someone could help me or point me in the right direction that would be great!


Any Help?

Hello @Chenko,

thank you for your interest. At the moment, we do not support running the ELSER model outside of the Elastic Stack. Therefore, there is no documentation on how to do this. You can load the model in Elasticsearch and then interact with it using the Elasticsearch Python client.

Best regards,

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