How do I setup Logstash to segregate logs from multiple servers?

I building a central ELK stack that will be used to aggregate the logs from different customer installations, with each installation having multiple servers. I use rsyslog as the shipper. I wan to be able to "see" the following example structure in my ELK server

    - Customer1
    ---- Server1
    ------ app-error.log
    ------ app-system.log
    - Customer2
    ---- Server1
    ------ app-error.log
    ------ app-system.log
    ---- Server2
    ------ app-error.log
    ------ app-system.log

I started reading about rsyslog templates but am not making the connection yet. For example, how can I embed the "Custoer name" and "Server name" information in the log, and then how can Logstash extract that information?

If rsyslog knows the customer name it should be easy to include it as (for example) a prefix of each message. Logstash can then extract the customer name along with the hostname, timestamp, and whatever else you've got.

Thanks @magnusbaeck. I guess my question is, how can I make rsyslog (from remote client) "know" the customer name? This is the mechanism I'm missing.

I figured I'll eventually figure this out.

The trick is in the use of rsyslog tempate, where one can store key/value pairs.

So I created an rsyslog list template, and have the following key/pairs, among othes

template(name="textLogTemplate" type="list") {
  constant(value="\"customer\":\"customer1\", ")
  constant(value="\"role\":\"app-server1\", ")

Then in my Logstash configuration files, I have the following

output {
  path => "/var/log/trm/%{customer}/%{role}/trm-system.log"
  codec => line { format => "%message" }

Which creates a /var/log/trm/customer1/app-server1/trm-system.log file and puts the value of %{message} in it.

Hope someone benefits from this.

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