How do I specify a different analyzer than my index_analyzer at query time?

I set multi-analyzers like this

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/sentences" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "mappings": {
        "_doc": {
            "properties": {
                "content": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "term_vector": "yes",
                    "fields": {
                            "analyzer": "ik_max_word",
                            "search_analyzer": "ik_smart",
                            "type": "text"
                            "analyzer": "jieba_index",
                            "search_analyzer": "jieba_search",
                            "type": "text"

So how do I specify a different analyzer than smartcn at query time ?

POST sentences/_doc/_search
 "query" : { "match" : { 
 	"content" :{"query":"some Chinese text","operator": "and"}

The match query supports an analyzer field that you can use to refer to another search analyzer.

Hope this helps!

So just {"query":"some Chinese text","operator": "and","analyzer" : "smartcn"}

man, I should think of that.


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