How does alphabetical sorting work in Kibana?

I'm trying to sort a heatmap X and Y based on alphabetical order.

I expected it to work lexicographically for all series over all, but it seems like its sorting this on a bucket level

This results is seemingly random order on the X-axis series...

What kind-of a sorting is used when selecting order by Alphabetical?

Is it applied to the entire result of the bucket or just one random bucket?

Is there a way to get a more controlled/human readable way to sort on custom criteria on values?

Thanks for all the help?

Kibana is basically just rendering the data returned from Elasticsearch (which includes the sort). To see what's going on, you can click on Inspect in your visualization, then in the window that opens up, then change from Data to View: Requests, and then you can select the Request and Response tabs.

I'm not looking at a heatmap at the moment, but you can try rearranging the order of your buckets to see if that gives you the results you need.

If not, please post a screenshot and tell us what version you're on.


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