How does Elastic's term index work?

Hello folks, I'm currently trying to improve the performance of an Elastic cluster, which isn't easy because I'm no expert. The cluster is made of 6 data nodes and 3 master nodes, the 6 data nodes having 64G of memory (~31 of which dedicated to the Java heap), 12 CPUs, and 32TB of storage each. (Note that I'm not in control of the infrastructure.) It currently holds 710 indices, split into 4,210 shards, containing 140,878,512,079 docs, using up 129.36TB.

One thing that stands out when looking at the cluster performances is the heap usage: it's constantly above 90% on all 6 data nodes. This is what GET /_cluster/stats?human&pretty returns; most specifically, the segments part:

    "segments" : {
    "count" : 23252,
    "memory" : "145.5gb",
    "memory_in_bytes" : 156258619814,
    "terms_memory" : "100.9gb",
    "terms_memory_in_bytes" : 108396686231,
    "stored_fields_memory" : "42.3gb",
    "stored_fields_memory_in_bytes" : 45459085936,
    "term_vectors_memory" : "0b",
    "term_vectors_memory_in_bytes" : 0,
    "norms_memory" : "4.5mb",
    "norms_memory_in_bytes" : 4786304,
    "points_memory" : "1.4gb",
    "points_memory_in_bytes" : 1533316923,
    "doc_values_memory" : "824.6mb",
    "doc_values_memory_in_bytes" : 864744420,
    "index_writer_memory" : "15.1mb",
    "index_writer_memory_in_bytes" : 15878264,
    "version_map_memory" : "13.1kb",
    "version_map_memory_in_bytes" : 13490,
    "fixed_bit_set" : "0b",
    "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes" : 0,
    "max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp" : 1571298991618,
    "file_sizes" : { }

The terms_memory line is the one that strikes out first. From what I understand, terms are fields for which an inverted index is built, which is then stored in memory.

So in my head, it looks something like:

term1 -> doc1
term2 -> doc1,doc2,doc4
term3 -> doc3

Is it reasonably accurate so far?

If it is, I have more questions:

  • Is this index replicated in the memory of each node?

  • Is this index by index, or general? Meaning, if the same term exist in two different indices, which of these situation happens?

      situation 1
        term1 -> doc1, doc12
      situation 2
        term1(index1) -> doc1
        term1(index2) -> doc12
  • Is it possible to "unindex" existing fields? Or just delete them?

  • How does the number of documents a term appears in affect the memory usage? i.e., if I have a field that appears in 1 document and another that appear in 100 documents, does the latter have a 100x larger memory footprint? Or do they have a similar memory footprint? I well understand that I won't get a numerical answer to this, but I'm still interested in a ballpark.

  • Any other information that you think might help me?

I'm reasonably confident a solution to my problems is to reduce the number of terms, but I'd like to understand better how they work beforehand. Thanks in advance.

The data structure is representative but it isn't wholly loaded into RAM - only a percentage of the unique terms in the index are loaded into RAM and the "postings lists" of doc IDs remain on disk.

Is this index replicated in the memory of each node?

Ignoring replicas, each node will have different docs and therefore different index contents.
Even within a single index shard on a node the same term may be duplicated in the index. The index is made up of segment files which are mini-indices in their own right like your diagram. Segments undergo constant merging as new data arrives to avoid fragmentation. Indices that have no more updates planned can be "force merged" to compact multiple segments into one.

Is this index by index, or general? Meaning, if the same term exist in two different indices, which of these situation happens?

Situation 2.

Is it possible to "unindex" existing fields? Or just delete them?

You would need to reindex with a new mapping - there's a reindex api to help with that porting

How does the number of documents a term appears in affect the memory usage?

The doc ids exist in postings files and more doc ids = more things you would hope to find in file-system cache (postings fies are immutable so can be cached by the OS)

Indexing fields you don't want to search or aggregate on is wasteful so some pruning of your indexed fields may be appropriate.

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Thank you very much for you answer Mark, it has been very helpful. I understand more what I'm dealing with now, and I see how to move forward; since we keep indices only for a certain amount of time, we'll try to drastically reduce the number of indexed fields in the new indices, so that when the old ones rotate the problem goes away.

In the meantime, I was told about frozen indices, which could help in the short term: we have to keep data for a certain amount of time, but we usually don't use the oldest part, so the decrease in search performance shouldn't be too big a problem.

Thanks again!

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Frozen indices will most likely help, but I would also recommend you look at this webinar as it covers reducing heap usage without freezing indices. Forcemerging indices no longer written to down to a single segment can reduce heap usage quite a bit.

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That webinar was great, thanks!

Forcemerging looks great, we should probably look into for the new indices that are generated. However, is it possible to forcemerge shards - not indices - down to a single segment? I'd rather not move all the data between the nodes right now.

Forcemerging does not move data between nodes.

Ah but that's perfect! Is there any downside to forcemerging indices that aren't written to? Can it slow query or something, or does it have only benefits?

The main drawback is that it is I/O intensive while it is performed. Typically speed up queries and reduces heap usage, but no other negative side effects as far as I know.

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