How Elastic search built vector database

I would like to study how Vector database is working using Apache Lucene. So for this I am looking into github GitHub - elastic/elasticsearch: Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine but could not understand which module is responsible . Could you please guide?

Do you mean how to use Apache Lucene? Or do you mean how does Apache Lucene store the vectors?

Either way, you should look here: GitHub - apache/lucene: Apache Lucene open-source search software

and here: Apache Lucene™ 10.1.0 Documentation


Thanks for taking your time.
I saw the Apache Lucene Github project. Something is clear there but not everything clear still and I am exploring this.
Meanwhile, I wanted to understand how Elastic search has integrated Vector search functionality of Apache Lucene and overcome the problem of high dimension.
And for this I would like to see code example of Elastic search that shows integration with Apache Lucene :slight_smile:
I started looking into Elastic search Git repo but could not figure out which where its written. will be great If you could point me the correct place.

The DenseVectorFieldMapper class is likely what you want.

Many thanks!