How highlight works?

I have indicized three times the same text into a nested object to apply differents analyzers. I can't understand why if I use highlight in the query with the nested field, only for one of the nested fields works.
with this one highlight works, changing sentences.sentence_value to sentences.sentence_insentitive doen't works.

"_source": {
    "includes": [ "highlight", "title", "media", "verbatim", "incrementalPushing" ]
    "query": {
         "bool": {
        "must": [
               "match": {
                    "customer": "TSTSM"
               "nested": {
                    "path": "sentences",
                    "query": {
                      "match_phrase": {
                        "sentences.sentence_value": {
                          "query": "commissione europea"
"highlight": {
    "fields": {
        "sentences.sentence_value": {}

Here the mapping of the nested field:

            "type":   "nested",
             "properties": {
                 "type": "text",
                "store": false,
                "search_analyzer": "index_analysis",
                "analyzer": "custom_italian",
                "similarity": "BM25"
                 "type": "text",
                "store": true,
                "analyzer": "termvectrix",
                  "similarity": "BM25"
                 "type": "text",
                "store": true,
                "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets_payloads",
                "analyzer": "insensitive",
                  "similarity": "BM25",
                "doc_values": true
                "type": "date",
                "format" : "yyyy/MM/dd'-'HH:mm:ss",
                "store": false    
                     "type": "date",
                     "format" : "yyyy/MM/dd'-'HH:mm:ss",
                "store": false      
                 "speaker_value": { 
                "type": "text",
			"index" : "not_analyzed"

and the anlyzers:

"settings": {
"analysis": {
  "filter": {
    "italian_elision": {
    "type":         "elision",
        "articles": [
            "c", "l", "all", "dall", "dell",
            "nell", "sull", "coll", "pell",
            "gl", "agl", "dagl", "degl", "negl",
            "sugl", "un", "m", "t", "s", "v", "d"
    "italian_stop": {
      "type":       "stop",
      "stopwords":  "_italian_" 
    "italian_stemmer": {
      "type":       "stemmer",
      "language":   "light_italian"
    "custom_synonym" : {
    "type" : "synonym",
    "tokenizer": "keyword",
     "synonyms_path" : "analysis/sinonimi.txt"
    "unique_stem": {
      "type": "unique",
      "only_on_same_position": true 
  "analyzer": {
     "tokenizer":  "standard",
  "filter": ["standard"]},
    "custom_italian": {
      "tokenizer":  "standard",
      "filter": [
    }, "index_analysis": {"tokenizer":  "standard", "filter": ["lowercase", "custom_synonym"]
      "tokenizer":  "standard",
      "filter": [


please take the time and provide minimal examples, that do not contain anything else that is not related to your problem. Also ensure, that those examples can be reproduced by others. By watching those snippets here, everything pretty much boils down to either guesswork or experience by people who had the exact same problem, but noone else will be able to help.

From what I see here, you are using a different mapping in different fields, that might endup in different highlighter implementations being used.

In addition you should take a look at how to highlight nested documents using the inner_hits feature - might be that you are after this instead.


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