How to add up values from list and send only that value to elasticserach


I want to write logstash script that use snmpwalk to get cpu values form network devices average them and send one field to elasticsearch. I guess I can do this in ruby plugin but I have so fare only expiernce in Java nad Python. How can I do this using ruby filter or other logstash capabilities?

This is how my document looks like before any manipulation.

                       "tags" => [
        [0] "snmp",
        [1] "metrics"
                    "host.ip" => "ip",
                 "@timestamp" => 2020-11-05T14:43:20.707Z,
                   "@version" => "1",
    "cisco.device.system.cpu" => [
        [0] {
                                                                 "index" => "1",
            "" => 15
        [1] {
                                                                 "index" => "2",
            "" => 15
        [2] {
                                                                 "index" => "3",
            "" => 15
              "host.hostname" => "name"

You could try something like

ruby {
    code => '
        cpus = event.get("cisco.device.system.cpu")
        if cpus
            count = 0
            total = 0
            cpus.each { |x|
                count += 1
                total += x[""]
            event.set("averageCpu", total/count)
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