I want to aggregate the result of other aggregation using Elasticsearch. I have created the first aggregation I need:
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"match" : {"type": "Posts"}
"filter": {
"match" : {"PostTypeId": "1"}
"aggs" : {
"by_user": {
"terms": {
"field": "OwnerUserId"
This query takes all the documents of type post that are questions ( PostTypeId = 1 ). Then, it aggregates by OwnerUserId , which counts the number of question posts of each user, giving the following result:
{'took': 0,
'timed_out': False,
'_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0},
'hits': {'total': {'value': 10000, 'relation': 'gte'},
'max_score': None,
'hits': []},
'aggregations': {'by_user': {'doc_count_error_upper_bound': 0,
'sum_other_doc_count': 31053,
'buckets': [{'key': '2230', 'doc_count': 223},
{'key': '', 'doc_count': 177},
{'key': '38304', 'doc_count': 158},
{'key': '5997', 'doc_count': 144},
{'key': '4048', 'doc_count': 130},
{'key': '25813', 'doc_count': 119},
{'key': '27826', 'doc_count': 119},
{'key': '2633', 'doc_count': 115},
{'key': '19919', 'doc_count': 114},
{'key': '13938', 'doc_count': 111}]}}}
Now I want to do another aggregation over the results of the previous one: aggregate by doc_count , I mean grouping and counting the equal number of question posts. For the previous result, my desired result would be:
{'buckets': [{'key': '223', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '177', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '158', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '144', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '130', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '119', 'doc_count': 2},
{'key': '115', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '114', 'doc_count': 1},
{'key': '111', 'doc_count': 1}]}