How to apply filter(s) to all the embedded iframe visuals

Hi Andrew,

I also have a similar type of question. I have embedded the dashboard into the UI and don't want to show a whole bunch of data to the end user. I have added controls in the dashboard. My initial dashboard looks like this:.

Then, when I filter out the dashboard charts by clicking on any of the graphs, the dashboard gets filtered, but the user doesn't get any clear button to unselect the dashboard filters. After clicking the dashboard, it looks like this:

However, after doing that, there is no option to cancel the applied filters. If I select the filter while copying the iframe code, the "Filter" button on the right-hand side also shows on the UI, which allows the end users to see all the fields present in the index:

Could you please guide me on how to solve this problem? I am using Kibana 8.7.1 and RTS UI 7.
