How To: Back-fill Elasticsearch without losing data

I want to import from my existing log file as a new file input like so to back-fill my old data:

input {
  path => [ '/path_local_to_es/file']
  start_position => 'beginning'


Continue to capture the tail of the very same file as it's actively logging through a redis messaging queue...

On Data Source:

input {
    path => [ '/path_local_to_source/file' ]
    start_position => 'end'
filter {
output {
    redis {
         host => 'queue-to-elasticsearch'
         data_type => 'list'
         key => 'logstash'

On Elasticsearch

input {
    redis {
        host => ''
        data_type => 'list'
        key => 'logstash'
output {
    elasticsearch {
        host => ''

How do I combine the two in a way that lets me back-fill all of the data I want from the file but not duplicate data that's already being ingested by the redis queue? I'm ok with stopping the queue for a moment but even then, how would I prevent missing data between when my local copy of the log file reaches EOF and the redis queue is turned back on?


The easiest way to support frequent backfilling is by controlling the document ids so that each document as a unique id before going to elasticsearch, either extracted from the source or computed using the document data itself (if it is unique enough).

If each document has a unique document id, it can be passed into the elasticsearch output like this: document_id => "%{[unique_id_field]}"

By doing this a single document can be index more than once to elasticsearch because it will be overwritten.