How to backup ES cluster

I saw the documentation in below link regarding backing up cluster .

It says we can create shared repository to backup cluster.
My question is where to run below command ? I am using redhat Linux as operating system and there is no put command.
Please correct me If I am wrong .

PUT _snapshot/my_backup

curl -XPUT ...

thanks David.

What will be the full command If i want to see my repository details. Lets
say repo name is my_backup

Nilesh Date

GET _snapshot/my_backup

which can be translated to:

curl -XGET localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_backup?pretty

perfect, thanks !!

Next thing is , Can I restore a data based on time interval ?
Document says , data will get restored based on Index.

You can have multiple snapshots of each index. If you name your snapshots after the time when they were started it's easy to implement restore operations based on time.

thanks .