How to change the jvm options config

I want to decrease the ram of the consummation of elastic in the JVM options config how can I?

## IMPORTANT: JVM heap size
## The heap size is automatically configured by Elasticsearch
## based on the available memory in your system and the roles
## each node is configured to fulfill. If specifying heap is
## required, it should be done through a file in jvm.options.d,
## which should be named with .options suffix, and the min and
## max should be set to the same value. For example, to set the
## heap to 4 GB, create a new file in the jvm.options.d
## directory containing these lines:
## -Xms4g
## -Xmx4g
## See>
## for more information

## Expert settings
## All settings below here are considered expert settings. Do
## not adjust them unless you understand what you are doing. Do
## not edit them in this file; instead, create a new file in the
## jvm.options.d directory containing your adjustments.



## JVM temporary directory${ES_TMPDIR}

## heap dumps

# generate a heap dump when an allocation from the Java heap fails; heap dumps
# are created in the working directory of the JVM unless an alternative path i

# generate a heap dump when an allocation from the Java heap fails; heap dumps
# are created in the working directory of the JVM unless an alternative path is
# specified

# exit right after heap dump on out of memory error

# specify an alternative path for heap dumps; ensure the directory exists and
# has sufficient space

# specify an alternative path for JVM fatal error logs

## GC logging

You can uncomment this line:

## -Xms4g
## -Xmx4g

For example:

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@dadoonet can you understand me this fonction (jvm.option) plz what's it's role in elastic ?

You asked to decrease the size of the HEAP used by the jvm, right? So the jvm.options file helps to configure that if it's really needed. Otherwise, leave all the defaults if you don't really know what you are doing.

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