How to check the total amount of data stored in a particular type

How to check the total amount of data stored in a particular type.
I have different types and want to check the growth of the data in each type

current size and want to predict the growth

If by "total amount of data" you mean the number of documents per type then you have multiple options. You can run a match_all query for each type using the count API:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/_count' -d '
{ "match_all": {} }'

Or you can use a term aggregation on the _type field to get the number of documents per type in one query:

    "aggs" : {
        "per_type" : {
            "terms" : { "field" : "_type" }

I want to check the size of a type in mb or gb ...

size: 470ki (940ki) -------------------this is the size of the bank index,wil have more types ... i want to know the size of each type
docs: 1,000 (2,000)

The types are shared in a single index thus it is not possible to get the size that each type takes on disk. The type is just an abstraction inside the index that is materialized by a single field named _type. Everything is interleaved inside the index, some fields are shared among the types so the size of each type is hardly computable. You can read this post for further information: