How to compare data to find missing one

I need to use ES to realize an automatic function of detecting lost logs,Company don't want to write extra code
The method is as follows:
Through filebeat, log is continuously sent to two indexes from different source, one of which is generated when the business process is started, and the other is generated when the business process is completed,then set a alerting query in Kibana,while query return Hits it will trigger alerting action

mock data below is the log generated while process is started,
The data here is complete!

And data generated while process is end
There may be missing data here


Data format is above,Filed UniqueID is a key value ,timestamp means when this log was generated in system

we can see that if we compare 2 parts of them,there are no logs which UniqueID is C002 & C004 in “end index”
But there is a practical problem ,The log which UniqueID is C004 maybe still runing in system,
so we can't consider it as a missing one,In this case we can only care about the C002 one as a missing log
In other words ,I need to find the max timestamp value in “end index”,and the logs in “start index” which timestamp is below the max timestamp is the search range

In SQL SERVER ,I can put 2 parts of data into one table and query by the sql below

select  UniqueID from dbo.kibanaLog   GROUP BY UniqueID HAVING COUNT(*) = 1  
and max(timestamp) <(select max(timestamp)from dbo.kibanaLog WHERE SRC='END' )

It will get correct records,but ES-SQL can not supprot complex sub-select

who can give me some ideas?
Thank you

Your use case is likely solved via Transforms, which allows you to pivot and aggregate the data by UniqueID and do things like look for max(timestamp) or calculate durations, but I'm not clear as to how you determine that C004 may be still running, but C002 is missing. Is it because these things have to run sequentially? In other words, because you know C003 started must mean that C002 must have finished?

As there is no sub query in elasticsearch, IMHO, it is better to query two times. First ask the maximum timestamp for end, and next create the second query using the maximum value on the client side.

If you need consistent result, you can use PIT to get result of two queries on the same timepoint.

yes,C002 & C003 will be sent to ES sequentially,
I‘ve tried Transformers ,but I don't know how to get max(timestamp)of "end index" logs after I aggregated the data by UniqueID
should I aggregate them twice by UniqueID and SRC ?

But how I deliver the max timestamp after first query ,I need automatic implementation 。。

I already pointed you to an example here: Painless examples for transforms | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic

You can do that using any favorit clients.

I have tried samples in this docementation
I can get max timestamp via the code in sample "Painless examples for transforms | Elasticsearch Guide [8.3] | Elastic "
and I can compare 2 indexes to check the difference via the sample in "Painless examples for transforms | Elasticsearch Guide [8.3] | Elastic"
But How can I accomplish these two things at the same transform?
If I want to create a transform ,I need to set "group by" in "pivot",
when i set " group by uniqueID",I can just compare timestamps which have same uniqueID
Should i create 2 transforms ?

Here's the mock data i use

post index_test_startlog/_bulk

post index_test_endlog/_bulk

Here's the transform i have tried

Put _transform/index_comparetest
  "source": {
    "index": [
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
  "dest": {
    "index": "compare"
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {
      "uniqueid": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "src.keyword"
    "aggregations": {
      "latest_doc": {
        "scripted_metric": {
          "init_script": "state.timestamp_latest = 0L; state.last_doc = ''",
          "map_script": """
              def current_date = doc['timestamp'].getValue().toInstant().toEpochMilli();
              if (current_date > state.timestamp_latest)
              {state.timestamp_latest = current_date;
              state.last_doc = new HashMap(params['_source']);}
          "combine_script": "return state",
          "reduce_script": """
                 def last_doc = '';
                 def timestamp_latest = 0L;
                 for (s in states) {if (s.timestamp_latest > (timestamp_latest))
                 {timestamp_latest = s.timestamp_latest; last_doc = s.last_doc;}}
                 return last_doc

Put _transform/index_comparetest
  "source": {
    "index": [
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
  "dest": {
    "index": "compare"
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {
      "uniqueid": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "UniqueAuditRecord"
    "aggregations" : {
       "compare" : {
          "scripted_metric" : {
          "map_script" : "state.doc = new HashMap(params['_source'])", 
          "combine_script" : "return state", 
          "reduce_script" : """ 
            if (states.size() != 2) {
              return "count_mismatch"
            if (states.get(0).equals(states.get(1))) {
              return "match"
            } else {
              return "mismatch"

You could do something like this:

POST _transform/_preview
  "source": {
    "index": [
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {
      "UniqueAuditRecord": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "UniqueAuditRecord"
    "aggregations": {
      "num_results": {
        "value_count": {
          "field": "src"
      "combined_doc_info": {
        "scripted_metric": {
          "init_script": " = []",
          "map_script": """
              Map entry = [
          "combine_script": "return;",
          "reduce_script": """ 
              def all_docs = [];
              for (s in states) {
                for (entry in s) {
              all_docs.sort((HashMap o1, HashMap o2)->o1['timestamp'].toEpochMilli().compareTo(o2['timestamp'].toEpochMilli()));
              def size = all_docs.size();
              def min_time = all_docs[0]['timestamp'];
              def max_time = all_docs[size-1]['timestamp'];
              def duration = max_time.toEpochMilli() - min_time.toEpochMilli();
              def ret = new HashMap();
              ret['first_time'] = min_time;
              ret['last_time'] = max_time;
              ret['duration_seconds'] = duration/1000;
              return ret;

Then, the output (which you could index) would look like:

      "combined_doc_info": {
        "duration_seconds": 1,
        "first_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:01.000Z",
        "last_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:02.000Z"
      "UniqueAuditRecord": "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3001",
      "num_results": 2
      "combined_doc_info": {
        "duration_seconds": 0,
        "first_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:02.000Z",
        "last_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:02.000Z"
      "UniqueAuditRecord": "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3002",
      "num_results": 1
      "combined_doc_info": {
        "duration_seconds": 2,
        "first_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:03.000Z",
        "last_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:05.000Z"
      "UniqueAuditRecord": "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3003",
      "num_results": 2
      "combined_doc_info": {
        "duration_seconds": 0,
        "first_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:04.000Z",
        "last_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:04.000Z"
      "UniqueAuditRecord": "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3004",
      "num_results": 1

Then, you could search (or alert) on those UniqueAuditRecord where num_results is <2 and/or where the duration_seconds equals 0.

Thanks for your patient help, but something confusing me
I use your code POST _transform/_preview
The transform can be created and start success ,but there's no results in the dest index
Another question, the output you show me which UniqueAuditRecord C3004 & C3002 have same
num_results & duration_seconds.How to distinguish them?
last_time in UniqueAuditRecord C3003 is "2022-06-21T00:00:05.000Z" was also strange, my mock data's max timestamp is just "2022-06-21T00:00:04.000Z"

I tried to modify your code but it still not work.
I have a question that if we set group_by first, script in combined_doc_info will work in different
UniqueAuditRecord parts right? so How can we compare max timestamp from end part to each one in start part..

Yes, the _preview endpoint allows you to test/debug the functionality of the transform you're working with without worrying about creating a destination index yet. When you're ready, just change your POST to a PUT and remove the _preview and add a transform name and destination index clause in the configuration.

Another question, the output you show me which UniqueAuditRecord C3004 & C3002 have same
num_results & duration_seconds .How to distinguish them?

You distinguish them by the fact that in the results, the each entry is keyed off of the UniqueAuditRecord. Yes, in this case in your data, the C3004 & C3002 habe the same num_results & duration_seconds because that's the way the mock data was. There was no 2nd entry in index_test_endlog for those so therefore num_results =1 and the duration_seconds=0 because there's no stop time (I suppose you could force duration_seconds to something else, like:

              if (duration==0){duration=Double.MAX_VALUE;}

but whatever - I would think you'd really just want to report on cases where num_results is <2 and/or where the duration_seconds equals 0 or whatever, no?

C3003 is "2022-06-21T00:00:05.000Z" was also strange, my mock data's max timestamp is just "2022-06-21T00:00:04.000Z"

Yes, I changed that value in my version because I was trying some different values. Sorry for the confusion there.


The script sorts the records for every UniqueAuditRecord in time order. That's what this line does:

 all_docs.sort((HashMap o1, HashMap o2)->o1['timestamp'].toEpochMilli().compareTo(o2['timestamp'].toEpochMilli()));

I presume it is physically impossible for a timestamp for a UniqueAuditRecord in index_test_startlog to be greater than the timestamp for the same UniqueAuditRecord in index_test_endlog because something cannot finish before it is started. I assume that they could finish in the same second (have the same timestamp) if the execution was only a few milliseconds - then the duration would be 0.

Sorry,I have added transform name,destination index,also use PUT .But destination index still empty.Could you know what wrong with my steps?

1st: create index

PUT compare
  "mappings": {
    "_meta": {
      "_transform": {
        "transform": "index_compare",
        "version": {
          "created": "8.2.2"
        "creation_date_in_millis": 1656279927899
      "created_by": "transform"
    "properties": {
      "unique-id": {
        "type": "keyword"
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "number_of_shards": "1",
      "auto_expand_replicas": "0-1"
  "aliases": {}

2nd : create transform

  "source": {
    "index": [
   "query": {
      "match_all": {}
 "dest": {
    "index": "compare"
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {
      "UniqueAuditRecord": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "UniqueAuditRecord"
    "aggregations": {
      "num_results": {
        "value_count": {
          "field": "src"
      "combined_doc_info": {
        "scripted_metric": {
          "init_script": " = []",
          "map_script": """
              Map entry = [
          "combine_script": "return;",
          "reduce_script": """ 
              def all_docs = [];
              for (s in states) {
                for (entry in s) {
              all_docs.sort((HashMap o1, HashMap o2)->o1['timestamp'].toEpochMilli().compareTo(o2['timestamp'].toEpochMilli()));
              def size = all_docs.size();
              def min_time = all_docs[0]['timestamp'];
              def max_time = all_docs[size-1]['timestamp'];
              def duration = max_time.toEpochMilli() - min_time.toEpochMilli();
              def ret = new HashMap();
              ret['first_time'] = min_time;
              ret['last_time'] = max_time;
              ret['duration_seconds'] = duration/1000;
              return ret;

3rd: start transform

POST _transform/index_compare/_start

all the 3 steps can run success

but GET compare/_search hits 0 records,

You don't need step 1 (creating the index called compare). The transform, when executed, creates it for you.

Delete the compare index, delete the transform, and redo steps 2 and 3

I'm truly grateful for your help.
I can got results now

"hits" : [
        "_index" : "comparelog",
        "_id" : "MKf5YfHmILtvxB9looOLA9UAAAAAAAAA",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "combined_doc_info" : {
            "duration_seconds" : 0,
            "first_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:01.000Z",
            "last_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:01.000Z"
          "UniqueAuditRecord" : "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3001",
          "num_results" : 2
        "_index" : "comparelog",
        "_id" : "MLZcQnr-u3tLD_I6tt2zzYUAAAAAAAAA",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "combined_doc_info" : {
            "duration_seconds" : 0,
            "first_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:02.000Z",
            "last_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:02.000Z"
          "UniqueAuditRecord" : "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3002",
          "num_results" : 1
        "_index" : "comparelog",
        "_id" : "MPyynE7ZUz_K58RZFiByzk4AAAAAAAAA",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "combined_doc_info" : {
            "duration_seconds" : 0,
            "first_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:03.000Z",
            "last_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:03.000Z"
          "UniqueAuditRecord" : "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3003",
          "num_results" : 2
        "_index" : "comparelog",
        "_id" : "MPXi4ZaBQ17j0cRbQ1Mmq6gAAAAAAAAA",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "combined_doc_info" : {
            "duration_seconds" : 0,
            "first_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:04.000Z",
            "last_time" : "2022-06-21T00:00:04.000Z"
          "UniqueAuditRecord" : "0035969ECC142BF0C00001687C3004",
          "num_results" : 1

But maybe the name I used was a little confusing so allow me to explain my scenario

so in fact. The field named timestamp represent when this log generated by HostService ,The value will not change again. Then all the Records will be sent to running
in my business workflow and also be sent to Elastic index1(start index) sequential. We can see records in index1 are unabridged .When those records running in system .someone may be
lost by unknow reason .Other records will arrived in ClientService and sent to Elastic index2(ENd index). During the flow path .Timestamp will not change. I added field src to mark where records from .
So if we configure the group_by as UniqueAuditRecord,and num_results is 2. Those 2 records
will have the same timestamp value .
In script , I need get the max timestamp in index2 as maxtimestamp then aggregate data and check num_results was not 2 and timestamp less than maxtimestamp
I'm so sorry that name startlog ,endlog mislead you . I hope I made a clearly explanation.
Via my test. I found script can just get value from its aggregated part .Perhaps it
can't fulfill my needs

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