How to convert UTC to Unix time

the FIRST_SWITCHED field is Unix, and when I query the range of the time I need to map the time from UTC to Unix.
Could I have the way to convert UTC to Unix directly?
this is my query syntax

GET _search
"_source": {
"query": {
"bool": {
  "must": [
        "match" : { "_index" : "ntopng-2017.10.22" }
      "range" : {
        "FIRST_SWITCHED" : {
            "gte" : "1508478285"              //how to convert it to UTC
"aggs": {
  "IN_PKTS": {
    "sum": {
      "field": "IN_PKTS"
  "IN_BYTES": {
    "sum": {
      "field": "IN_BYTES"
  "OUT_BYTES": {
    "sum": {
      "field": "OUT_BYTES"
  "OUT_PKTS": {
    "sum": {
      "field": "OUT_PKTS"

thank you in advance

you need to store the field as a date in the mapping, so you can execute regular date range queries on it, without you having to do any conversion work.


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