How to create query to match child collection attributes using NEST .net client library for ElasticSearch?

I have following 4 documents located at http://xyzserver:9200/mydocs/brands in ElasticSearch 7.3
Each document represents some details of a Brand. A brand can be associated with multiple Groups and can be active for 0 or more groups.

I have 4 documents loaded.

	Id: 100,
	Name: 'Diet Coke',
		GroupId: 200,
		GroupName: 'US East',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 201,
		GroupName: 'US West',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 202,
		GroupName: 'US South',
		IsActive: false
	Id: 110,
	Name: 'Coke',
		GroupId: 200,
		GroupName: 'US East',
		IsActive: false
		GroupId: 201,
		GroupName: 'US West',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 202,
		GroupName: 'US South',
		IsActive: true
	Id: 120,
	Name: 'Coke with Lime',
		GroupId: 200,
		GroupName: 'US East',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 201,
		GroupName: 'US West',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 202,
		GroupName: 'US South',
		IsActive: true
	Id: 130,
	Name: 'Cola',
		GroupId: 300,
		GroupName: 'Europe East',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 400,
		GroupName: 'Mexico',
		IsActive: true
		GroupId: 410,
		GroupName: 'Brazile',
		IsActive: true

I am searching for "Coke" and which is "Active" for both "200 - US East Group" && "201 - US West Group" groups. Assume that I have a search criteria type

public class BrandSearchCriteria {
    public string Keyword {get; set;}
	public IEnumerable<int> GroupIds {get; set;} = new List<int>();
	public bool? IsActive {get; set;} //true if looking for only active items, false if looking for inactive items, null if looking for both

searchCriteria = new BrandSearchCriteria
	Keyword = "Coke",
	GroupIds = new List<int> { 200, 201 },
	IsActive = true

How do I create a query using NEST library? This is what I have so far

QueryContainerDescriptor<Brand> queryDescriptor = new QueryContainerDescriptor<Brand>();
queryDescriptor.Bool(b =>
	b.Must(q =>
		q.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.Name).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.Auto).Query(searchCriteria.KeyWord) &&
		q.Terms(t => t.Field("Groups.GroupId").Terms<int>(searchCriteria.GroupIds)) &&
		q.Term(t => t.Field("Groups.IsActive").Value(searchCriteria.IsActive.ToString()))

I am suppose to get only two documents back with Id 100 (Diet Coke) and 120 (Coke with Lime) as these two documents are the only two active for both Groups "200 - US East Group" && "201 - US West Group".

But above query is bring me 3 documents back 100 (Diet Coke), 110 (Coke), 120 (Coke with Lime). Even thou document 110 (Coke) is inactive for Group "201 - US West Group", it is still getting included in the results.

I just started learning NEST library usage and could not figure out how to formulate the query to retrieve the results. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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