How to decrease url dashboard url response in Kibana 4.*

We have always this response when we call dashboard :,pause:!f,value:0),time:(from:now-20h,mode:quick,to:now))&_a=(filters:!(),options:(darkTheme:!f),panels:!((col:1,id:Visualisation-DEMO1,panelIndex:1,row:3,size_x:6,size_y:2,type:visualization),(col:7,id:Visualisation-DEMO2,panelIndex:2,row:3,size_x:3,size_y:2,type:visualization),(col:1,id:Visualisation-DEMO3,panelIndex:3,row:1,size_x:6,size_y:2,type:visualization),(col:7,id:timeFilter,panelIndex:4,row:1,size_x:3,size_y:2,type:visualization)),query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'customer_id:8')),title:DashBoard_Customer_8,uiState:())

So are there solution directly in Kibana to limit always the url like this ? :

--- The goal is to hide my dashboard filter ==> ( query:(query_string: (analyze_wildcard:!t,query ........ )


I'm not sure which version of Kibana you are on, but in 5.0 which was released yesterday, you can share a short URL like this;


Sorry, i didn't specify the kibana version. It's 4.* version.

And i known already how to share,etc... but if there is option on kibana files to hide or decrease global url response because in the fact with the url response you can change the customer_id filter to an other customer_id and have visualization in the same dashboard.


I think the only really secure solution would be to use our Security plugin in Elasticsearch and Kibana. "Shield" in 4.x or "X-Pack" in 5.0. Then you would probably want to use separate indexes per customer_id and create roles and users who only had access to the appropriate indexes. You could still have index patterns that matched all customers if you needed views across all of those indices.
