i tried various ways to delete event data in elasticsearch, like:
curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/_all/_search' -d
then i tried this way, but i don't understand the usage, i mean: which tool or plugin shoud i use to send request like the ones explained in the link??
what is your version of ES ? ( after like is empty
sorry, i push enter while i was still writing the post :))
i use the latest version of ES
In ES 2.x for Delete you need to use a plugin.
install the plugin : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/2.0/plugins-delete-by-query.html
and hear is how you can use :
DELETE /twitter/tweet/_query
"query": { (1)
"term": {
"user": "kimchy"
Ok, thanks, i did it via sense