How to disable search button when no text is entered on search input field and enable when text is entered

am using the below code. but unable to disable it when search term is having data.
how to achieve this ?

  inputView={({ getAutocomplete, getInputProps, getButtonProps }) => (
      <div className="sui-search-box__wrapper">
            placeholder: "I am a custom placeholder"
          "data-custom-attr": "some value"

Something like this should work...

<SearchProvider config={config}>
  <WithSearch mapContextToProps={({ wasSearched }) => ({ wasSearched })}>
    {({ wasSearched }) => (
        inputView={({ getAutocomplete, getInputProps, getButtonProps }) => (
            <div className="sui-search-box__wrapper">
                  placeholder: "I am a custom placeholder"

adding that to the input props disabling entering into input field. But i need to disable button so i added inside button and that didnt work.