How to display other _source fields in a metric aggregation result?


I'm working on ML job documents with the following fields:

        "_index" : ".ml-anomalies-custom-job_device1",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "job_device1_model_forecast_Gwn4wnoB0F2uUBpmgO6V_1626768000000_900_0_0_0",
        "_score" : 0.0,
        "_source" : {
          "job_id" : "job_device1",
          "forecast_id" : "Gwn4wnoB0F2uUBpmgO6V",
          "result_type" : "model_forecast",
          "bucket_span" : 900,
          "detector_index" : 0,
          "timestamp" : 1626768000000,
          "model_feature" : "'arithmetic mean value by person'",
          "forecast_lower" : 72.46782289572343,
          "forecast_upper" : 73.54060395699805,
          "forecast_prediction" : 73.00421342636075

I create the following min aggregation in order to find the minimal value of the forecast_prediction in all the model_forecast ML job documents :

GET .ml-anomalies*/_search
  "size": 1,
  "query": {
    "bool" :{
      "filter": [
            "query": "result_type:model_forecast"
        {"term": { "job_id": "job_device1"}}]
"aggs": {
  "forecast_min": { "min": { "field": "forecast_prediction" } }

It leads to the following result:

"aggregations" : {
    "forecast_min" : {
      "value" : 72.99105325040645

But I woulk like to be able:

  • to display other fields in order to know what is for example the timestamp associated to the minimal value of this forecast_prediction
  • to know what is the _id for the document in which the forecast_prediction is the minimum

Is there any way to display something like:

"aggregations" : {
    "forecast_min" : {
      "value" : 72.99105325040645,
      "timestamp" : 1626767100000,
      "other_fields_of_the_same_document" : 12345678

I am not sure you need an aggregation for this? How about sorting by the forecast_prediction field and only returning a single document?

Thanks @spinscale.

Effectively it does the job very easily! I was so obsessed with aggregations....


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