How to display the maximum number of shards allowed per node?

how to display the maximum number of shards allowed per node?


You can check the maximum number of shards allowed per node by running the following command:

GET _cluster/settings?include_defaults=true&filter_path=**.cluster.routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node


Ok I got -1 it means unlimited?
If correct then why I see in _cat/allocation no more than 1000 shards per node?


Defaults to -1 (unlimited).

Defaults to 1000

The limit is 1000 shards per node. You can override this, but that is generally a bad idea. You would just be postponing the issue and may end up in a situation where the issue can no longer be corrected, resulting in an inoperable cluster and data loss. If you are hitting this limit I would recommend you instead read this blog post and this guide. In order to properly address this issue you can follow this guide.

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