How to do a select on every objects in Elasticsearch

Hi all

I'm exploring the ES SQL and I need more information. I only read the getting start on the documentation about SQL.

Is it possible to do a select on logstash or other index present in elastic?

I read examples on flights, but I don't understand where I could find the information about this table in the index pattern.

Thank you

Hi @franco.federico,

It's not entirely clear for me what you are looking for.
If I got your question right, you can find more information about tables using SHOW TABLES command or DESCRIBE TABLE.

Also, you can use a pattern if you want to query multiple tables.

If I want to do an ES SQL query on logstash index, what is the name of the table or the schema that implement logstash index?

And if I want to do an ES SQL query on other index what is the name of the table or the schema that show that implement a generic index?

Thank you

I am on the
I see filebeat index.

Now I'm trying to do a describe of filebeat in the dev tool and I have no response


I try with other index but I have the same result. Only for flights it's done.

Thank you

I'm reading in the documentation that the table is the index.

In this case it doen't work? Why? I tried to my system with the X Pack active on the versione 6.7 but I have the same problem.

Is there other configuration to do?

Thank you

Because filebeat is not a table/index. By default, Filebeat writes events to multiple indices (daily) named filebeat-[Filebeat_version]-yyyy.MM.dd, where yyyy.MM.dd is the date when the events were indexed.

In, you should use

POST _sql?pretty&format=txt
  "query":"SHOW TABLES LIKE 'filebeat%'"

to see the list of filebeat indices and then have a look at one of them with DESCRIBE sql command. For example:

POST _sql?pretty&format=txt
  "query":"DESCRIBE \"filebeat-7.0.0-2019.05.07-000050\""

Thank you for information @Andrei_Stefan.

I suggest to add this example in the documentation because a basic user when found the SQL the first step is to try to exist index.


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