how to do deep linking for kibana dashboard

I have a requirement, where i need to provide the Kibana dashboard URL to the user.

i have created a control in the dashboard labeled Instance which has list of values example, aa, bb cc etc

i need to format url dynamically i have the dashboard name(my-dashboard), control label name(instance) and control label value(aa)

something like this

and when the page opens the control should have value aa preselected

Hi @Arun_Kumar_V Welcome to the Elastic community.

You can embed kibana dashboard in your application and give to your end user. You can check this detail blog.

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@Arun_Kumar_V It is technically possible to do this, but it unfortunately isn't the easiest process ATM. Here's the steps you should follow:

  1. Create your dashboard with your desired controls and save your dashboard.

  2. Make a single selection in the control you wish to manipulate via the URL

  3. Click Share > Get links > Snapshot > Copy URL (ensure that "Short URL" is not toggled)

    May-10-2024 08-46-32

    This should generate a link that ends with a long serialized control group, like so:

  4. At the end of the URL, you'll notice the "app state" has been serialized under the _a URL parameter - the part you need to care about is the selectedOptions key:


    This is where you could change the value to dynamically generate the URL. So, in your example, you could have something like:


    which, when combined with the entire URL, would look something like:


Hopefully that helps! :slight_smile: