How to do Metric aggregation inside terms aggregations on nested type

I've documents stored in Elastic Search in this way:


  "owner": "owner_1",
  "attributes" : [
      "name": "dump",
      "value": "xyz"
      "name": "weight",
      "value": "150"


  "owner": "onwer_2",
  "attributes" : [
      "name": "dump",
      "value": "xyz"
      "name": "weight",
      "value": "600"


  "owner": "owner_3",
  "attributes" : [
      "name": "dump",
      "value": "abc"
      "name": "weight",
      "value": "40"

Note: attributes is a nested type field.

Problem statement:

  1. Retrieve documents that have the name dump in their attributes field.
  2. Perform an aggregation based on the value of dump (abc, xyz).
  3. Calculate the total weight for all documents that have the same dump value obtained from the previous step.

The result for the documents mentioned above resembles the following:

  "aggregations": {
    "buckets": [
        "key": "xyz",
        "doc_count": 2,
        "weight": {
          "value": 800
        "key": "abc",
        "doc_count": 1,
        "weight": {
          "value": 40

What steps I've taken so far?

I've prepared the following query.

  "size": 0,
  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "doc.attributes",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "term": {
                "": "dump"
  "aggs": {
    "attributes": {
      "nested": {
        "path": "doc.attributes"
      "aggs": {
        "NAME_BUCKET": {
          "filter": {
            "terms": {
              "": [
          "aggs": {
            "VALUE_BUCKET": {
              "terms": {
                "field": "doc.attributes.value.keyword",
                "size": 100
              "aggs": {
                "weight": {
                  "sum": {
                    "script": {
                      "lang": "painless",
                      "source": """
                      if(doc[''].value == "weight") {
                        return Double.parseDouble(doc['doc.attributes.value.keyword'].value);
                      return 0;

The above query produces output similar to this:

  "buckets": [
      "key": "abc",
      "doc_count": 1,
      "Payment": {
        "value": 0.0
      "key": "xyz",
      "doc_count": 2,
      "Payment": {
        "value": 0.0
      "key": "150",
      "doc_count": 1,
      "Payment": {
        "value": 150.0
      "key": "40",
      "doc_count": 1,
      "Payment": {
        "value": 40.0
      "key": "650",
      "doc_count": 1,
      "Payment": {
        "value": 650.0

Of course, the above query doesn't yield the expected output. The NAME_BUCKET aggregation aggregates records based on the dump and weight fields so that they can be used later in the Painless script. However, I am currently unable to determine how to aggregate weight based on the value of dump."

Your help would be highly appreciated.

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