How to do multiple text search in same field


I want to do multiple text search in same field

for example in sub_cat_seo_url field i want to get 'english-news' and 'business-news' filter by language and region

when i tried like below code it is not working


For single text search it is working fine


Please help what have to change in my code, to do multi text search in same field (or operation)



Maybe try this:

        "query": {
          "bool": {
            "should": [
                "query_string": {
                  "query": "english-news",
                  "fields": ["sub_cat_seo_url"]
                "query_string": {
                  "query": "business-news",
                  "fields": ["sub_cat_seo_url"]

it is not working, it fetch only second search (business-news) not fetching the (english-news).

Then please provide a full recreation with example documents so that we can help you.