How to do Source Filtering for Suggestions in JS client

Hi, as explained in the latest docs, source filtering can be performed. However, I couldn't figure out how to do this using the JS API for completion suggestions. Is this supported?

Right now my working query without the filtering is constructed like this:

    index: 'my index name',
    body: {
      mySuggest: {
        prefix: 'some prefix',
        completion: {
          field: "suggest"


Hi @gsccheng,

the Elasticsearch docs also state:

Note that the _suggest endpoint doesn’t support source filtering but using suggest on the _search endpoint does.

So you need to call instead of es.suggest(). Something along those lines should do the trick (not tested):{
    index: 'my index name',
    _source: 'suggest',
    size: 0,
    body: {
      suggest: {
        mySuggest: {
          prefix: 'some prefix',
          completion: {
            field: "suggest"


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