How to draw simple xy chart using filebeat + Kibana + Elasticsearch

Hi guys,

currently I am trying to read the output from my customized log files which look like:

for i in {1..50} ; do awk 'BEGIN {"date +'%Y.%m.%d-%T'"|getline d;"curl -sI some_web_page/" | getline; printf "{\"timestampx\": \"%s\", \"statusx\": \"%s\"}\n", d, $2}' >> /var/log/kibana.customized.jt.log; sleep 1; done

cat /var/log/kibana.customized.jt.log
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:51", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:52", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:53", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:54", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:55", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:56", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:57", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:58", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:47:59", "statusx": "200"}
{"timestampx": "2016.12.13-11:48:00", "statusx": "200"}

I do not use logstash so far however, I just want to do a simple plot

y - axis - (statusx field)
x -asis - (timestampx)

Could anyone suggest how to configure filebeat.yml file ???


I think what you are looking for is the json options:

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