How to enhance results on timelion

Hello There!

I'm using es query in Timelion to showcase vulnerability report. In my case, we have vulnerabilities in the following manner
Medium > High > Critical

But I want to enlarge Critical so that everyone will focus on that

Here is the details view of my query:

(.es(index=regscan*, q='log_type:vulnerability AND severity:medium', metric='cardinality:_id').label('Medium'), .es(index=regscan*, q='log_type:vulnerability AND severity:high', metric='cardinality:_id').label('High'), .es(index=regscan*, q='log_type:vulnerability AND severity:critical', metric='cardinality:_id').label('Critical')).bars(stack=true, width=100).color('GoldenRod:Red:DarkRed')

which shows graph

As you can see the number for Critical is very low compared to others and very hard to see in this graph.

Is there a way, if I hover to this, this will get maximize ?

Hi, maybe just try putting the High severity counts on a secondary Y-Axis. Check out the .yaxis() function.

Hello @tsullivan

I have tried using .yaxis() but didn't get proper results , can you help me on this please.

Hi, What do you mean by didn't get proper results? Can you share your expression?

It looks like this (that means i'm somewhere seeing stack at the bottom and also on the top)

Interesting, thanks for the graphic.

Can you share your entire query as text though?

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(.es(index=regscan*, q='log_type:vulnerability AND severity:critical', metric='cardinality:_id').yaxis(2, min=0,max=100, label="Critical vulnerability", color=Red).label('Critical'), .es(index=regscan*, q='log_type:vulnerability AND severity:high', metric='cardinality:_id').label('High') , .es(index=regscan*, q='log_type:vulnerability AND severity:medium', metric='cardinality:_id').label('Medium')).bars(stack=true, width=100)


Did you get a chance to check on this please.

Thank you very much in advance!


Anyone there to help me out please :smile:


can you help me here!

Hi, sorry for the delayed response - I haven't had a chance to look into this until now.

I think it looks strange because stacked bars make no sense when you have multiple y-axes. I would probably do this expression to turn off stacking

  .yaxis(2, label="Critical")
  .yaxis(1, label="Med / High")

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