If I have these two strings:
- George Orwell is my favorite writer
- My favorite writers name is George, who was born in 1903 and whose last name is Orwell
Here's the criteria that i would like to apply to my search when searching for 2+ words:
search despite spelling mistake (whats does fuzziness)
filter result according distance between passed words (for example in first sentence distance between George and Orwell is 0, cause they are side by side, and in second one I have 10 other words between them). So I want to passed words be side by side in returned result. (what does max_gaps in intervals query)
So to tell directly I need to work together in intervals query "fuzziness" and "max_gaps"
Let's search by spelling mistake "George Orwel" - my query should return only first sentence, because it must recognize that George Orwel -> George Orwell and also distance between these two words is 0;
As I said for me It will be ideal if intervals query had the fuzziness :
POST /cases/_search
"query": {
"intervals" : {
"firstName" : {
"match" : {
"query" : "George Orwl ",
"max_gaps" : 0,
**"fuzziness": 6**
but it doesn't have. So Have you any ideas how should solve such kind of problem