How to Filter nested aggregations (busket results)

Hi all,

I'm trying to filter an aggregations.
I created aggregation for nested fields(pipe of id|value) of Badge field. It works good and return me buskets with pipe and doc_count. But I want to filter them to return me only ones that contain word "future". Is it possible?

Index (Badge is nested, value is keyword):
{"id":1, "Badge":[{"id": 5, "value":"analysis of economics"}, {"id": 4, "value":"future of science"}]}
{"id":2, "Badge":[{"id": 3, "value":"future of investments"}, {"id": 2, "value":"solar energy"}]}
{"id":3, "Badge":[{"id": 3, "value":"future of investments"}, {"id": 4, "value":"future of science"}]}

"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"Badge_agg" : {
"nested": {"path": "Badge"},
"aggs": {
"Badge_count": {
"terms": {
"script": { "lang": "painless", "source": "doc[''].value + '|' + doc['Badge.value'].value" }

Result (baskets)

"buckets": [
"key": "3|future of investments",
"doc_count": 2
"key": "4|future of science",
"doc_count": 2
"key": "2|solar energy",
"doc_count": 1
"key": "5|analysis of economics",
"doc_count": 1

Desirable result:
"buckets": [
"key": "3|future of investments",
"doc_count": 2
"key": "4|future of science",
"doc_count": 2

Many thanks


please take your time to properly format the snippets, this will make it much more readable.

How about this?

PUT test
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "Badge": { "type": "nested"}

PUT test/_doc/1
{"id":1, "Badge":[{"id": 5, "value":"analysis of economics"}, {"id": 4, "value":"future of science"}]}
PUT test/_doc/2
{"id":2, "Badge":[{"id": 3, "value":"future of investments"}, {"id": 2, "value":"solar energy"}]}
PUT test/_doc/3
{"id":3, "Badge":[{"id": 3, "value":"future of investments"}, {"id": 4, "value":"future of science"}]}

GET test/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "science_only": {
      "nested": {
        "path": "Badge"
      "aggs": {
        "by_id": {
          "terms": {
            "field": "",
            "size": 10

GET test/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "science_only": {
      "nested": {
        "path": "Badge"
      "aggs": {
        "by_future": {
          "filter": {
            "match": {
              "Badge.value": "future"
          "aggs": {
            "by_id": {
              "terms": {
                "field": "",
                "size": 10


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Thank you so much!

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