How to filter _search performed with text_expansion

I have an Elasticsearch index ingested with inference pipeline using ELSER. While performing the search I would like to filter and show all the URL's containing "/cn/" in it. (*).

How to add filter section in the below search query to filter out all the URLs containing "/cn/"?

GET search-index/_search
  "size": 5, 
   "fields": ["title","url"],
  "_source": false

I guess you could do that using a bool with a filter clause?

GET search-index/_search
  "size": 5, 
      "bool": {
         must: [{
         filter: [{
           "term": {
               "url.path": "" 
   "fields": ["title","url"],
  "_source": false

Of course, it depends on the analyzer you have for the url field (and subfields). Here I presumed that you defined a path subfield which is using a path-hierarchy tokenizer.

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