How to find number of characters in a text field

I have an application that is writing many documents in Elasticsearch. After a year or two, I figured out that some of these documents are scams because they contain large strings (more than 10000 characters). E.g. one document looks like this:

Message: "bnfgbjkcywcbyftetzodbpgipcdoxgedjxqbfmcjiwlkceyehnwpwhlcfpbivaflaphvlplgeqirctmdyyoasqhhgfopvktgeupughwrteqadrlcmeauxktggoopycijrwenoesdtewvkgsdhafptepxqfidgdpjozvqafbkkshoiokaosqypwxpmttgzntpbdnk...[ up to 10000 characters ]"

Mapping of the Message field is set as a Text and as a keyword. In cases when that kind of document gets in the index, only the Text field is mapped, because the keyword has "ignore above 256" setting enabled by default.

I wanted to check documents with a Message field value larger than 1000, but I can't apply the script because the Message.keyword does not exist, only the Message (as a Text).

GET my-index/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": {
        "script": {
          "script": {
            "source": "doc['Message'].value.length() > 1000",
            "lang": "painless"

will throw an error that the Text fields are not optimized for operations that require per-document field data like aggregations and sorting.

If I put doc['Message.keyword'].value.length() > 1000 I get an error cause those documents don't have keyword (because it's larger than 256).

Any idea how else can I check these documents that contain only 1 long string (greater than N number of characters), I would like to reindex into a new index without those documents, and apply proper mapping so in the future those documents will be rejected by Elastic.


Any idea how else can I check these documents that contain only 1 long string (greater than N number of characters)

Hi @nestor1,
Because there's no keyword field, you'll have to hit the source.

While the filter context does not have source access, the runtime field context has access to source via params[_source].

You can use a boolean runtime field along with a term query to perform the logic you want.

GET my-index/_search
  "runtime_mappings": {
    "tooLong": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "script": {
        "source": """
        def msg = params['_source'].get('Message');
        if (msg instanceof List) {
          emit(msg.size() == 1 && msg[0].length() >= params.maxSize);
        } else if (msg instanceof String) {
          emit(msg.length() >= params.maxSize);
        } else {
        "params": {"maxSize": 1000}
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "tooLong": true
1 Like

Thank you, sir, this works wonderful, didn't even know about the runtime field context feature. Thanks a lot

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