I've started working around with the ELK tool stack since few weeks. What I need is to get the timestamp of the log event which includes date and the time and show it in a different field (ie: log_timestamp). I've tried pulling out all the options for the Datestamp, but nothing worked. This is a line of the log file which I have.
"20160805 00:00:01.296,GetProvisioning,3,W1oOOW8oj58GhglVjVNg0Ssl4CXA1P,50219--1958335734-1470326399706,SUCCESS,GetProvisioningTransactionId-01223,null,W1oOOW8oj58GhglVjVNg0Ssl4CXA1P,en,CELCOM_MY_DCB
I need to format the date of the log event as yyyy-mm-dd since i'm unable to use the "Date" grok filters. Or is there a way that I can filter it out with the above yyyymmdd date format which is originally there in the log file?
Any help would be appreciated.