How to gather journald logs from coreos hosts in an Openshift cluster?


We are in the process of migrating from Openshift 3.11 to Openshift 4.5. We managed to get the Filebeat daemonset working to ship pod logs, but we also need to index the journalctl logs from the coreos hosts. What is currently the recommended way to do this?

Should we use Journalbeat? As a daemonset? I read something about a journald module for Filebeat, but this module hasn't been released apparently.

Please suggest how we can index journald logs from the coreos hosts.




For the time being, we recommend you use Journalbeat. However, keep in mind that journald input in Filebeat is implemented and backported to 7.x: Unfortunately, it is not yet ready for release, but we would like to get it out as soon as possible.

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Thanks for your answer @kvch

Looking forward to that. Is there a GitHub issue for this?

Can we install Journalbeat as a daemonset? Because there is no way to install packages on our coreos hosts. I cannot find any documentation about how to do this in


Is there a GitHub issue for this?

Can we install Journalbeat as a daemonset?



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