How to get all suggest from an array?

For example this document

   _index: "documents",
   _type: "_doc",
   _id: "bjQbFXMBUTNnZQiIspyw",
   _score: 1,
   _source: {
      text: "blablabla",
      tags: [

When i enter "iphon", i want to get "iphone", "iphonexr":

 suggest:  {
    gotsuggest:  {
      prefix : "iphon",
      completion : {
        field : "tags"

A result, in field text there is only "iphone" tag. So, how i can get "iphone" and "iphonexr"?

    text: "iphone",
   _index: "documents",
   _type: "_doc",
   _id: "bjQbFXMBUTNnZQiIspyw",
   _score: 1,
   _source: {
      text: "blablabla",
      tags: [

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