How to get hourly based document count

I have sample documents like below.
"timestamp": "2019-06-19T13:39:31Z"

I need to get documents to count by hourly like (00:00 - 03:00, 03:00-06:00 ..)

Thanks, Advance

The preferred way would be to index the hour of the day in addition to the timestamp. Then it's pretty easy to do the aggregation.

Thanks, @dadoonet for your reply.
But I can't create the separate index.
I was trying to use the following query. but not getting expected result.

GET /fluent/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
      "date_range": {
        "field": "timestamp",
        "format": "strict_hour_minute", 
        "ranges": [
            "from": "01:00",
            "to": "10:00"

"took": 5981,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1744686,
"max_score": 0,
"aggregations": {
"time_of_day": {
"buckets": [
"key": "01:00-10:00",
"from": 3600000,
"from_as_string": "01:00",
"to": 36000000,
"to_as_string": "10:00",
"doc_count": 0

If you don't want to create a new field, then you can try to use Note that depending on the volume you have, that will be probably slow.

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