How to get only aggregation values from elasticsearch


I want to get the average value of MEMORY field from my ES document. Below
is the query I'm using for that. Here I'm getting the aggregation along
with the hits Json also. Is there any way we can get the aggreation result
only. Please suggest.

POST /virtualmachines/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : { "match" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : { "NODE_CREATE_TIME" : { "from" : "2014-05-22
14:11:35", "to" : "2014-05-22 14:33:35" }}
"aggs" : {
"memory_avg" : { "avg" : { "field" : "MEMORY" } }

response :
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 3,
"successful": 3,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "virtualmachines",
"_type": "nodes",
"_id": "102",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"NODE_ID": "12235",
"NODE_NAME": "cloudstack-node1",
"NODE_INSTANCE_ID": "cloudstack112",
"NODE_CREATE_TIME": "2014-05-22 14:23:04",
"CPU_SPEED": "500",
"MEMORY": 512,
"CPU_USED": "0.03%"
"aggregations": {
"memory_avg": {
"value": 512

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On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 1:47 PM, bagui [via Elasticsearch Users] <> wrote:


I want to get the average value of MEMORY field from my ES document. Below
is the query I'm using for that. Here I'm getting the aggregation along
with the hits Json also. Is there any way we can get the aggreation result
only. Please suggest.

POST /virtualmachines/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : { "match" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : { "NODE_CREATE_TIME" : { "from" : "2014-05-22
14:11:35", "to" : "2014-05-22 14:33:35" }}
"aggs" : {
"memory_avg" : { "avg" : { "field" : "MEMORY" } }

This is how I do it:
Simply add a post_filter with a term query for a non-existent term or a
value which is not possible (e.g. -1 for a positive integer field).
I am sure there are cleaner ways but this works for me


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 1:47 PM, bagui [via Elasticsearch Users] <> wrote:


I want to get the average value of MEMORY field from my ES document. Below
is the query I'm using for that. Here I'm getting the aggregation along
with the hits Json also. Is there any way we can get the aggreation result
only. Please suggest.

POST /virtualmachines/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : { "match" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : { "NODE_CREATE_TIME" : { "from" : "2014-05-22
14:11:35", "to" : "2014-05-22 14:33:35" }}
"aggs" : {
"memory_avg" : { "avg" : { "field" : "MEMORY" } }

This is how I do it:
Simply add a post_filter with a term query for a non-existent term or a
value which is not possible (e.g. -1 for a positive integer field).
I am sure there are cleaner ways but this works for me

em ​

You can set the size to 0.

You will still get back the search metadata though.


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:46 AM, Subhadip Bagui wrote:


I want to get the average value of MEMORY field from my ES document. Below
is the query I'm using for that. Here I'm getting the aggregation along
with the hits Json also. Is there any way we can get the aggreation result
only. Please suggest.

POST /virtualmachines/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : { "match" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : { "NODE_CREATE_TIME" : { "from" : "2014-05-22
14:11:35", "to" : "2014-05-22 14:33:35" }}
"aggs" : {
"memory_avg" : { "avg" : { "field" : "MEMORY" } }

response :
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 3,
"successful": 3,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "virtualmachines",
"_type": "nodes",
"_id": "102",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"NODE_ID": "12235",
"NODE_NAME": "cloudstack-node1",
"NODE_INSTANCE_ID": "cloudstack112",
"NODE_CREATE_TIME": "2014-05-22 14:23:04",
"CPU_SPEED": "500",
"MEMORY": 512,
"CPU_USED": "0.03%"
"aggregations": {
"memory_avg": {
"value": 512

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Thanks Ivan for your reply.
I tried with size : 0 but still the metadata is coming. Is there any way
to suppress the metadata.
Can I use java api to do so. Earlier I used the method like below to get
the source response only. Can we do that for aggregation also?

public String searchESIndex(String index, String type) {
Client client = ESClientFactory.getInstance();
SearchRequestBuilder srequest = client.prepareSearch(index)
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("status", "SUSPEND"))
SearchResponse sresp = srequest.execute().actionGet();
List<Map<String, Object>> listOfSource = new ArrayList<Map<String,
for (SearchHit hits : sresp.getHits()) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonSourceList = gson.toJson(listOfSource);
return jsonSourceList;

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As mentioned before, you will still get the metadata. With the Java API,
you can get the aggregations back directly from the SearchResponse object,
which is a list of Aggregation objects:


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Subhadip Bagui wrote:

Thanks Ivan for your reply.
I tried with size : 0 but still the metadata is coming. Is there any
way to suppress the metadata.
Can I use java api to do so. Earlier I used the method like below to get
the source response only. Can we do that for aggregation also?

public String searchESIndex(String index, String type) {
Client client = ESClientFactory.getInstance();
SearchRequestBuilder srequest = client.prepareSearch(index)
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("status", "SUSPEND"))
SearchResponse sresp = srequest.execute().actionGet();
List<Map<String, Object>> listOfSource = new ArrayList<Map<String,
for (SearchHit hits : sresp.getHits()) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonSourceList = gson.toJson(listOfSource);
return jsonSourceList;

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Thanks a lot Ivan. Will try with Java API as u suggested.

One more doubt. There is a field in my document like "CPU_USED": "0.03%"
Can we do aggregation avg on this field ? I tried but got exception like
below as this was a string field. Can u please suggest.

"reason": "QueryPhaseExecutionException[[virtualmachines][2]:
TO 1400769215999])],from[0],size[0]: Query Failed [Failed to execute main
query]]; nested: AggregationExecutionException[Unsupported script value
[0.03]]; "
Query :
POST /virtualmachines/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : { "match" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : { "NODE_CREATE_TIME" : { "from" : "2014-05-22
14:11:35", "to" : "2014-05-22 14:33:35" }}
"aggs" : {
"avg_grade" : { "avg" : { "script" : "doc['CPU_USED'].value" } }
"size": 0

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I have yet to use aggregations (still on facets), so I am making
assumptions here. Your field is a string ("0.03%"), so the average cannot
be computed. Since you pass in a script, you can try doing some string
manipulation, and perhaps converting to a numeric field if it is required.

Something like: doc['CPU_USED'].value.replace("%", "") (not tested)


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:26 AM, Subhadip Bagui wrote:

Thanks a lot Ivan. Will try with Java API as u suggested.

One more doubt. There is a field in my document like "CPU_USED": "0.03%"
Can we do aggregation avg on this field ? I tried but got exception like
below as this was a string field. Can u please suggest.

"reason": "QueryPhaseExecutionException[[virtualmachines][2]:
TO 1400769215999])],from[0],size[0]: Query Failed [Failed to execute main
query]]; nested: AggregationExecutionException[Unsupported script value
[0.03]]; "
Query :
POST /virtualmachines/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : { "match" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : { "NODE_CREATE_TIME" : { "from" : "2014-05-22
14:11:35", "to" : "2014-05-22 14:33:35" }}
"aggs" : {
"avg_grade" : { "avg" : { "script" : "doc['CPU_USED'].value" } }
"size": 0

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