How to get the data from yesterday to today's date range

Hello Experts,

I have tried to get the data between dates as below, but the exact date it is not giving.It is under UTC format.
"range" : {
                "@timestamp" : {
                  "gte": "now-1d/d ",
                  "lt": "now/d"
Please help how to get the data for last 24 hours between dates.


Please just format the code part with the markdown code characters, not the whole text. Thanks.

Could you explain a bit more what you are looking for? I don't understand what the problem is with the current query.

Hi Dadoonet,

We have dev-applogs index in which we would like to get container_name and message field by filtering message : "exception".

**What we are expecting** 

It should come the data between yesterday midnight to now(specific time)
Example : 25-03-2021 midnight to 26-03-201 

But now I am not able to fetch the data between dates and time.

`curl -X GET "http://elasticsearchip:port/dev-applogs-*/_search?pretty" -H `'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  `  "_source": [ "", "kubernetes.namespace", `"message", "@timestamp" ],
  `  "query": {
    `    "bool": {
      `    "must": [
        `    {
          `    "match": {"message": "exception"}
              `"range" : {
                `"@timestamp" : {
                  `"gte": "now-1d/d",
                  `"lt": "now/d"

What I need to give exactly to get the whole data from Yesterday to now.
"gte": "now-1d/d",
"lt": "now/d"



Please just format the code part with the markdown code characters, not the whole text. Thanks.

Could you edit your post please and make it more readable? Thanks!

Can you please look into above.

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