How to group unique statistics records with overlapping fields (account and fingerprint)?


There is an index with fields:

  • account_id
  • fingerprint
  • etc.

Each record may or may not have an account_id , the same is with fingerprint . It is necessary to group them by account_id along the way adding to these accounts - records with a fingerprint that are present in records from a specific account_id .

The essence of the task is to display a list of unique statistics records for known accounts (those who have an account_id + those who do not have it, but have the same fingerprint as some of the records in this group) and unknown (those who only have a fingerprint) with pagination.

I try this:

            'aggs' => [
            "items" => [
                "composite" => [
                    "sources" => [ 
                            'account_id' => [
                                'terms' => [ 'field' => 'account_id' ],
                        ], [
                            'fingerprint' => [
                                'terms' => [ 'field' => 'fingerprint' ],
                "aggs" => [
                    "hits" => [
                        "top_hits" => [
                            "size" => 100


And something like this (here I know that the code is not entirely correct, I just found it in history) :

'collapse' => [
            'field' => 'account_id',
            'inner_hits' => [ [
                'name' => 'accounts',
                'size' => 1,
                'sort' => [ [ 'timestamp' => 'desc' ] ]
                'name' => 'fingerprints',
                'size' => 1,
                'sort' => [ [ 'timestamp' => 'desc' ] ]
            ] ],
            "max_concurrent_group_searches" => 4 

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