How to index a new document using existing documents?


I have a need to index a document, with a field that computes by adding a number to an old document's field value.

For example, I had a document (id: zoneA_userA).

  "_index": "online",
  "_type": "duration",
  "_id": "zoneA_userA",
  "_source": {
    "zone": "zoneA",
    "aggTimeSec": "1355",

And I continuously receive numbers of logs saying additional online time of userA in zoneA. (Format: <user> <zone> <sec>)
userA zoneA 29

I want to add value <sec> to the document's aggTimeSec value and update the document.

Now I use logstash's elasticsearch filter to query the document, and output to same document id. This works but I wonder if this is best practice? Can I do it without querying ES from logstash? I persume the flow of logstash querying elasticsearch before output is too much time load and largely degrade logstash's performance.


You should be able to do this by configuring the Elasticsearch output plugin to perform a scripted update/upsert, but I have not found any good examples showing how it is done.

Thanks @Christian_Dahlqvist
I refactored my logstash conf using following ES output.

     elasticsearch {
         hosts => ["..."]
         index => "online"
         document_type => "duration"
         document_id => "%{zone}_%{user}"
         manage_template => false
         action => "update"
         doc_as_upsert => true
         script_lang => "painless"
         script_type => "inline"
         script => '
             if (ctx._source.updateTimestamp != params.event.get("updateTimestamp")) {
                 ctx._source.aggTimeSec = Integer.parseInt(ctx._source.aggTimeSec) + Integer.parseInt(params.event.get("aggTimeSec"));

Thus I can remove elasticsearch query in the filter division.

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