I have some documents, they are all of the same index and type, and have
the same fields, for example:
{"nation" : "China", "city" : "Tianjin", "year" : ["2011", "2012", "2013"]}
{"nation" : "USA", "city" : "Califorlia", "year" : ["2012", "2014", "2015"]}
{"nation" : "China", "city" : "Beijing", "year" : ["2012", "2014", "2015"]}
If I want to index them to my ES server all at once, I use the bulk
interface like this:
# curl -s -XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @data_file
the data_file looks like:
{"index" : {"_index" : "country", "_type" : "city"}}
{"nation" : "China", "city" : "Tianjin", "year" : ["2011", "2012", "2013"]}
{"nation" : "USA", "city" : "California", "year" : ["2012", "2014", "2015"]}
{"nation" : "China", "city" : "Beijing", "year" : ["2012", "2014", "2015"]}
But it only index the first document, If I change the data_file as the
{"index" : {"_index" : "country", "_type" : "city"}}
{"nation" : "China", "city" : "Tianjin", "year" : ["2011", "2012", "2013"]}
{"index" : {"_index" : "country", "_type" : "city"}}
{"nation" : "USA", "city" : "Califorlia", "year" : ["2012", "2014", "2015"]}
{"index" : {"_index" : "country", "_type" : "city"}}
{"nation" : "China", "city" : "Beijing", "year" : ["2012", "2014", "2015"]}
it works, but the data_file becomes much bigger.
Is there a better way to import Json documents to ES ? Thanks very much.
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